Sunday, May 17, 2015

Backyard Farm update for May

Hello peeps,

Has you know we have a backyard farm, well basically 5 raised  garden beds, four trees and countless flower pots everywhere.  We have recently started to get fruit and veggies, this just makes me sing and dance. There is something about going into our garden area and seeing each and every plant grow a little more each day. One day the fruit isn't ready but the next it is, and the TASTE.. WOW!! Talk about being able to taste fresh vegetables and fresh. It's hard to purchase items from the grocery store when it taste so different and you truly have no clue how long its been stored or how it was grown. 

are first tiny little watermelon

Yummy Zucchini

One of our first Strawberries
They do not last in our house, as soon as they are picked they are eaten. 

Our ladies getting bigger and bigger

Off to the garden to see what the last couple of days of sunshine has turn up. Enjoy this wonderful Sunday.