Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Am I about to do this… Yes.. YES I am.

Ok so here it is I would like to think I have some small tiny ounce of artisticness (\is that even a word? it works for me at the moment..so just keep reading) in me somewhere, but truth be told I have none. It just so happens that’s once on a while I create something so artsy fartsy I even shock myself. I have been dibble dabbling in art journaling and I have to say I love it… I wish I had more money just so I could go buy all the supplies I need but truth be told I don’t but that hasn’t stopped me. I just use what I got and most of the time it’s recycled which I love and so does our beautiful mother earth. I am currently participating in two art journal prompts this year… I’m a little behind but that’s ok.

Here are my art journals with links to the places I‘m participating with.


Journal 52….click here to check out.

Each weekly prompted is emailed to you directly with a pictures of  her art journal and a link to her YouTube channel.

Week 1: Pathways

Week 2: Just Be

Week 3: Conversation Starter


Week 4: Silhouettes

Week 5: Television

Currently working on Week 6: Window, Week 7: Valentines, Week 8: Aromatherapy, Week 9: Artistic Restraint, Week 10: Coloring Page

MFC.....click here!

 This one is a little different majority of sharing and interaction is through Instagram. 

 #1 & 2

 #3 & 4

There they are ....and relax. I hope you enjoy looking through my eyes of expression.

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