Saturday, March 7, 2015

How would you describe yourself in 500 words or less?

Ok, so I was thumbing through my Instagram and seen pepperandtwine did a Journal prompt from Life captured Inc. She did a beautiful journal entry something I wish I was talented enough to create. I encourage you to her Instagram. Now let me get to my own 500 words.

I think I'm a happy,laughing, smiley kind of person; at least in my mind I am. I' a beach bum at heart, nature lover soul, I stick up for what I believe in, tend to piss people off with my out outspokenness, love the quietness of sleep, not a very fast reader, likes to think I'm an artist, I'm adventurous but never went on an adventure alone, I'm a mother to everyone, wild curly haired child within, completely loyal even when it destroys me, saves the day kind of girl, I will always be honest with you even when you don't want to hear it, I think I'm always right and use this because by some chance I am 95% of the time, I think I can cook but really I wing it, love recipes passed down from generation to generation, enjoy different quotes a month, not a good speller at all, I try to sing even though I know I can it just makes me feel good to dance and sing in the kitchen, Like to think I touch people heart and soul by just showing them I'm there. I'm that person who will take your last piece of gum and split it with you. I try to save everything from my kids childhood. always cry and things that pull at my heart, babies are irresistible, I liked to think I have enough balls to do something crazy like die my hair blonde but truth is I worry to much on what people would think. Love the rain and pray for thunderstorms, hard for me to forgive, easy for me to love, I think of myself as a free spirit.

I think that's around 280 words or so....

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